A note from our council,
“The laws of this city shall be upheld within’ the walls of the city’s banners. As with the common saying upon our planet, our laws only stretch to the perimeters of our claim. Any crimes committed beyond our claim should not proceed forward with this community’s court.”
“Should you find yourself guilty of one of these crimes, you will not be held, tried, or accused without the presence of a Magistrate to ensure legal adherence to city laws while governing misdeeds. If a Magistrate is unavailable, or unpreferred, a male member of your household may present defense on your behalf. A warrior, city official, or caste lead is another available option for defense.”
This concludes the note from our council,
Our laws are meant to influence adherence to our by-the-book standards and enforce an environment that is as realistic as possible.
All court proceedings should be viewed as role play and communication between all parties on the crime and punishment should be discussed out of character prior to the hearing/scene.
0.0 | Citizenship |
0.1 A citizen of Turmus is considered to be any free person that has sworn to Turmus’s Home Stone. Every child born of a father being resident or citizen is automatically a resident until it comes of age and can swear to the Home Stone.
0.2 A resident of Turmus is any free that has not sworn to Turmus’s Home Stone. Every resident of Turmus pays a foreign tax to the Home Stone of Turmus balancing the weight of the citizen’s tax.
0.3 Official positions (Head of Caste “HOC”, Assistant Head of Caste “ASOC”, Magistrate, High Magistrate, Merchant Magistrate, Ubar, Administrator, Regent) can only be held by citizens and certain, influential residents of Turmus. These residents may only hold office if sponsored with the approval of the High Council and/or Ubar San/Ubara Sana/Regent.
0.4 Everyone striving to be a resident and/or, by subsequent swearing to the Home Stone, a citizen has to complete Citizen Papers with the Caste of Scribes.
0.5 Upon return of Citizen Papers and pending acceptance or rejection of the Citizen Papers, the Free is considered a temporary resident and is by that under the protection of Turmus law.
0.6 Turmus born and sworn citizens are protected by and not above the High Council’s enforced laws of Turmus.
1.0 | Government |
1.1 Turmus is governed by a High Council. It consists of one member from each of the Castes or an appointed voting member or AHoC authorized to represent the caste in the absence of the HoC (Initiate, Scribe, Builder, Physician, Warrior, Merchant) and is overseen by the Ubar San/Ubara Sana/Regent.
1.2 No matter of governance in Turmus may be decided with less than 6 votes in favor. The Ubar San/Ubara Sana/Regent vote is only applied in cases of a tie.
1.3 The High Magistrate and High Ambassador may attend upon invitation of the High Council. They may advise the High Council when prompted to do so, but have no voting rights.
1.4 In times of war, the High Council must ask the Caste of Warriors to nominate an Ubar, who upon their approval will have absolute power of the City of Turmus, military and civil, leaving the High Councilors to act as advisors to the Ubar. Once war has ended, absolute power reverts to the High Council.
1.5 The High Council makes all laws and changes. This is done by majority vote. Caste Laws and Codes are also applicable and presented and ruled on by the castes HoC or aHoC.
1.6 When Merchant Law applies, the Merchant Magistrate will hear the case and rule in the Merchant Court at the docks. The hearing cannot take place within City walls.
1.7 The laws of the city bind every citizen, resident, and visitor of the City of Turmus within its lands and docks and are enforced by the Warrior Caste.
2.0 | Trade, Alliances and War |
2.1 Trade alliance negotiations will be the responsibility of the appointed Ambassador and Merchant HoC, pending final approval by the High Council. All cites dealt with will need approval from the Ubar San/Ubara Sana/Regent.
2.2 Deals between Merchants or Merchant Houses are designated as private matters and not subject to any rulings as long as they adhere to Merchant Law.
2.3 Ambassadors may be from any Caste and are appointed by the Ubar San/Ubara Sana/Regent through recommendation of their Head of Caste.
2.4 Military alliance negotiations are the responsibility of the Commander or any of his designated military Ambassadors.
2.5 Declarations of war only become valid through majority vote of the High Council when the Commander or his military Ambassador bear evidence of military aggression to the City of Turmus and its allies.
2.6 Safe Passage Agreements of any kind, will be for however long it is set by those who grant it. Visitors will be bound to corresponding city laws. Visitors must present a Safe Passage Permit signed and sealed by a scribe, that they are from an Allied City.
3.0 | Judicial Process |
3.1 Magistrates are recommended by the High Magistrate, Head of the Scribes Caste, or an Ubar San/Ubara Sana/Regent. Magistrates report directly to the High Council but to the Head Scribe in matters of Caste, as they play a dual role as both upholder of Civil law and their duties to the Blue Caste.
3.2 Civil criminal acts in Turmus shall be subject to hearing investigation, trial, judgment, fines and in some cases banishment, death or impalement.
3.3 All accused and accusers share a possibility of being restrained and retained until a trial can be issued. All held individuals shall be permitted to see a member of the Blue Caste to assist with defense. In the event that the Blue Caste dismisses the charge immediately, a trial will not be issued.
3.4 All Blue Caste officials who push a claim into trial must prepare the parties involved for the upcoming trial as well as be available for the trial themselves.
4.2 Praetors can place anyone under arrest for any crime committed in their area. If it is discovered during investigation that the crime committed no longer falls under their jurisdiction, the suspect will be arrested and the case taken to the fitting Magistrate.
3.0 | Criminal Acts | Assault, battery and murder are not tolerated in the gates of Turmus. The Red Caste are permitted to retain any individual who has been accused of any of the previously listed crimes. Damage, destruction of property, and most importantly arson are not tolerated in the gates of Turmus. The Red Caste are permitted to restrain and process any individual who has been accused of vandalism. Face stripping a free woman’s veil is a crime punishable by trial. The free woman’s family has a large influence on the punishment of the charged individual Failure to obey the orders from City Officials, e.g. impeding an official investigation. Home Stone: Not standing when speaking of; Theft of; Vandalism of the Home Stone. Slander: slander is defamation aimed to damage reputation or business of another that is spoken by the defendant. “If it were true, in Gorean law, it could be no slander.” – Slave Girl of Gor. Spying may be a criminal offense if found as a charge of heresy. Treason: the offense of acting to overthrow one’s government or to harm or kill its ruling body (High Council, Ubar San/Ubara Sana/Regent). A violation of allegiance to one’s ruling body or to one’s Home Stone. Treachery to the Home Stone. Shall be subject to impalement. False accusation: Charges brought up that are not backed up by any accepted proof or witness are considered slander. False testimony: if a trial or investigation without a doubt turns out to uncover any given testimony as an intentional lie it is a capital crime. Helping a prisoner to escape is viewed as an act of treason. Escaping from prison is seen as trying to evade justice and automatically as a proclamation of guilt to ALL charges that got the prisoner into the cell. Shall be subject to judgment.